
Bee Maps Bursts provide on-demand, targeted, fresh map data for developers and businesses. Simply highlight a geographic area and our global mapping network will collect the map data you need quickly and cost-effectively.

Global Community of Mappers

Burst an Area to Fill Coverage Gaps

Burst an Area to Fill Coverage Gaps
If you need fresh map coverage in a particular area, use Bursts to prompt our network to swiftly map the targeted location. Filling in coverage gaps is just a Burst away!

Burst an Area to Increase Freshness

Map Image API
If you need expedited updates of map coverage for specific locations, use Bursts to incentivize drivers to map your targeted areas with a high refresh rate.
How It Works

Bee Maps’s Bounty Feature for Targeted Mapping

Bursts deliver more than just fresh map data in targeted areas of interest — they get you multiple shots on goal. For example, you can see busy intersections 4-5 times in one week with Bee Maps dashcams. Frequent data collection functions as a validation mechanism, increasing the accuracy of map data. Sectors like autonomous vehicles depend on precise positioning of road features.

Specify locations for prioritized coverage

If you want a specific location to be mapped, simply highlight an area for prioritized coverage and set a Burst bounty. Contributors who map these targeted areas can earn bonus HONEY on top of their regular rewards. You decide how much this coverage is worth to you.
Specify locations for prioritized coverage
Choose specific dates and time ranges

Choose specific dates and time ranges

Every week, Bee Maps designates particular locations as Burst zones based on customer demand and network coverage requirements. Once live, the Bursts appear prominently in the Bee Maps app.

Notify a global network of contributors

Contributors are notified when a new Burst zone appears on the map and bonus rewards are available. We announce new zones on Fridays on our Twitter account and Discord server and activate them on Mondays.
Notify a global network of contributors
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