Data Solutions

Improve your Maps with our Hyper-Fresh Data

Scale your mapmaking and autonomous models more efficiently and accurately with our verifiable, global crowdsourced dashcam data

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More than 200 million cars rely on maps that are kept fresh using Bee Maps data

  • Street-Level Imagery

    Access fresh, high-quality street-level imagery through our global mapping network via API or self-serve tools

  • Static Features

    Explore detailed, geolocated map features like GDPR-compliant speed signs, turn restrictions, and parking restrictions

  • Dynamic Features

    Optimize routes with real-time updates and visualizations of changing road conditions, including roadwork, toll roads, and gas prices

  • AI-Detected Driver Events

    Find, capture, and visualize needle-in-a-haystack scenarios on an ongoing basis to train your autonomous models more efficiently

  • HD Maps

    Expand the accuracy and coverage of your maps with precise road width measurements, lane-level details, and detailed road topography insights

Unlock the Power of Bee Maps